to Prof. Dr. Launer and his team
We are business consultants, support social, practical and research projects and offer an e-learning platform for continuing education.

We have been providing business consulting services to companies as freelancers since 1999, ranging from controlling and corporate communications to entrepreneurial consulting. Our clients were and are large corporations from the DAX, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as institutes. Our team is happy to be of service to you.

We support various charitable projects. In particular, we are supported by the Lower Saxony Lotto Sport Foundation. We are constantly looking for sponsors and volunteers for new projects. Please contact us and support us.

We run an e-learning platform on a voluntary basis. This is free of charge for you. Continuous education is an important topic for everyone. This continuing education offer is therefore aimed at all people who want to continue their education on the basis of current trends. And you can even earn a certificate. Register today free of charge and without obligation.
International Conference on Contemporary Studies in management (CoSiM)
We organize events of all kinds ourselves as an institute – from e-learning and project events to service conferences lasting several days.