Questions and Answers 7th

7th International Conference on

Contemporary Studies in Management (CoSiM)

Questions and answers

– The target of the Conference is to bring researchers together from all over the world. We support young researchers with feedback. Soon we will help publishing. All presentations are recorded and published on YouTube. Our Conference is live streamed via Facebook. Your Abstract with 1000 words and Papers will be published in a high quality Conference Proceeding with ISSN number and DOI. All participants receive a nice Certificate. Everybody can participate in our global study on Intuitive Decision-Making.

– Our Conference is a 36 hours conference around the world. I think: the first 36 hour Conference.

– We are a LGBT-friendly, non-political Conference and support and empower women, e.g. in countries needed. Please no religious comments or signs. We welcome all handicaped people. Please tell us if you need special assistance.

– Our Co-organizer is Prof. Dave E. Marcial and his E-Learning Team from Silliman University RESEARCH & INNOVATION OFFICE.

– Our patron (Schirmherr) is the Mayor of Uelzener Jürgen Markwardt.

– Our main communication channel is via mail and Facebook. We have a Facebook site called CoSiM Conference and several messenger groups. We also post in Instagram, Xing, Twitter, and LinkedIN.

– We have a Call for Paper via email and announcements on Facebook. The Call for paper is on our website incl. support for formatting and a templete.

– We produce a video to announce and explain the Call for Paper

– Please send Abstract with about 1000 words incl. name, University, country, Orcid no., key words, references and reference list

– All Abstracts need to be registered and uploaded in our Google Register System

– All Abstracts are reviewed double blind. Head of the Review Team is Prof. Fatih Çetin . Please see the Review Team attached.

– The quality of the CoSiM Conference is reviewed by our Editorial Board. Please the Editorial Board attached

– All Committees and the Organization Team are listed here

– Paper on Intuition or from Africa, Latin America and USA can still be submitted. It is still easy to add to the plan. Late submission possible.

– Presentation is about 30 minutes for the topic Intuition.  All other topics will be 20 minutes.

– Please make your presentation attractive to listeners. Present your abstract (summary) first, than your key results! Keep your basic theories and literature review short. Thank you.

– Conference Proceedings you find on the Ostfalia Website. It is with ISSN number from Germany and DOI from Please see pic from Working Paper attached.

– The Conference is organized by myself. Ostfalia University was not interested in an international Conference. After 6 years, we reorganized and now in 2023 the Conference is fully organized by my non-profit Institut.

– There are no fees at all.

– The Institute is sponsored by the Niedersächsische Lotto Sport Stiftung and private donors.

– Donations are very welcome 🙏

– At Ostfalia you find the former Conferences 2017-2022 plus one Worshop in 2023

– The Conference was renamed in 2022 to CoSiM: International Online-Conference for contemporary Studies in Management. Thank you Fatih Cetin for your support.

– Up to now, we do not have any fees. In 2023, my Institute is sponsored by the Niedersächsische Lotto Sport Stiftung and private donors.

– We are searching for Journals we can cooperate and publish. We do not have it yet. Sorry.

– All participants receive a (very nice) Certificate with all Members of the Editorial Board. Attached is an old version from our Workshop 2023. Your name and title of the presentation will be mentioned.

– Soon I will publish a pic for the Session Chairs. The list you find under Committees.

– All presentations are recorded via Zoom and published in our YouTube Video Channel

– All participants can be part of our global study on Intuition. We had a local EFRE research project funded by the EU called RHIA and now a global study called RIEHUAD.

– Soon we publish the detailed plan with the dates in CET German time and your local time.

The overall plan is

November 24, 2023
– Welcome by Prof. Dr. Markus Launer, Prof. Dr. Dave Marcial, Prof. Dr. Joanna Paliszkiewicz, and Prof. Dr. Fatih Cetin
– Key Note Speeches
– Presentations from Ukraine
– Presentations from Eastern Europe
– Presentations from Western Europe
– Presentations from Latin America and USA
Sorry, no presentations from Australia and Africa. Please help us in advertising in these regions.

November 25, 2023
– Presentations from Northern Asia
– Presentations from South East Asia
– Presentations from the Middle East

November 26, 2023
– Key Note Speeches by Prof. Dr. Sadler-Smith (video) and Francesca McCartney. Not confirmed yet Dr. Marta Sinclair and Dr. Dean Radin.

November 28, 2023
– Key Note Speech by OStD Stefan Nowatschin
– Presentations by students, e.g. Vocational School Uelzen, organized by OStR Frank H. Nierath
– Report on the activities of the Institut für gemeinnützige Dienstleistungen by Dipl.Vw. Joachim Delekat

We constantly improve the quality of our CoSiM Conference. Your feedback is welcome. Please post below or send eMail to Markus Launer or

Main Office
Institut für Dienstleistungen gGmbH
Hauptstraße 28
29556 Suderburg, Germany

Second Office
Bötzow Str. 12
10407 Berlin, Germany

We are an independent Institute for non-profit services

Best, Markus