7th International Conference on
Contemporary Studies in Management (CoSiM)
Key Note Speeches
Link to Conference will be provided here one week before the Conference

KEY NOTE SPEAKER @ Cosim Conference
Dr. Marta Sinclair
University of Brisbane, Australia
Latest Research on intuitive Decision-Making
Sunday, November 26, 2023 at 11.00 AM CET
Dr Marta Sinclair received a PhD in Organizational Behavior from The University of Queensland, Australia, a MA in Education from George Washington University, USA, and a BA in Linguistics from Charles University. She has an extensive management experience from a number of companies in Europe and USA, including Silicon Valley.
At present she is senior lecturer at Griffith Business School, Griffith University, Australia, where she teaches comparative and cross-cultural management. Her research focuses on the role of intuition in decision making, learning, and everyday life. She wrote and/or cooperated on a number of academic and popular articles and book chapters about intuition, edited two international Handbooks of Intuition Research and Methodology, and co-authored a practical book and course Intuition for Everyday Life. Her first novel, Woman’s Intuition, is available as e-book on Kindle and iTunes.
We received our first Key Note Speech as a recording from
Prof. Dr. Eugene Sadler-Smith, University of Surrey, United Kingdom, on the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intuition:
Will AI kill Human Intuition?
Please see his new book on Intuition
And we will have an abstract and presentation on this topic on Sunday, Nov. 26 by Dr Joanna Rosak-Szyrocka and myself Prof. Markus Launer.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER @ Cosim Conference
Prof. Dr. Jay Liebowitz
Columbia University’s Data Science Institute
“Developing the intuitive Executive”
Sunday, November 26, 3023 at 13.00 CET
Dr. Jay Liebowitz has recently served as the inaugural Executive-in-Residence for Public Service at Columbia University’s Data Science Institute. He was previously a Visiting Professor in the Stillman School of Business and the MS-Business Analytics Capstone & Co-Program Director (External Relations) at Seton Hall University. He previously served as the Distinguished Chair of Applied Business and Finance at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology. Before HU, he was the Orkand Endowed Chair of Management and Technology in the Graduate School at the University of Maryland University College (UMUC). He served as a Full Professor in the Carey Business School at Johns Hopkins University. He was ranked one of the top 10 knowledge management researchers/practitioners out of 11,000 worldwide, and was ranked #2 in KM Strategy worldwide according to the January 2010 Journal of Knowledge Management. At Johns Hopkins University, he was the founding Program Director for the Graduate Certificate in Competitive Intelligence and the Capstone Director of the MS-Information and Telecommunications Systems for Business Program, where he engaged over 30 organizations in industry, government, and not-for-profits in capstone projects.
Prior to joining Hopkins, Dr. Liebowitz was the first Knowledge Management Officer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Before NASA, Dr. Liebowitz was the Robert W. Deutsch Distinguished Professor of Information Systems at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Professor of Management Science at George Washington University, and Chair of Artificial Intelligence at the U.S. Army War College.
Dr. Liebowitz is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of Expert Systems With Applications: An International Journal (published by Elsevier; ranked as a top-tier journal; Thomson Impact Factor from June 2021 is 8.665). He is a Fulbright Scholar, IEEE-USA Federal Communications Commission Executive Fellow, and Computer Educator of the Year (International Association for Computer Information Systems). He has published over 45 books and a myriad of journal articles on knowledge management, analytics, financial literacy, intelligent systems, and IT management. Dr. Liebowitz served as the Editor-in-Chief of Procedia-CS (Elsevier). He is also the Series Book Editor of the Data Analytics Applications book series (Taylor & Francis), as well as the Series Book Editor of the new Digital Transformation: Accelerating Organizational Intelligence book series (World Scientific Publishing). In October 2011, the International Association for Computer Information Systems named the “Jay Liebowitz Outstanding Student Research Award” for the best student research paper at the IACIS Annual Conference. Dr. Liebowitz was the Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Business at Queen’s University for the Summer 2017 and a Fulbright Specialist at Dalarna University in Sweden in May 2019. He is in the Top 2% of the top scientists in the world, according to a 2019 Stanford Study. As of 2021, he is the Visiting Distinguished Professor at the International School for Social and Business Studies in Slovenia. His recent books are: Data Analytics and AI (Taylor & Francis, 2021), The Business of Pandemics: The COVID-19 Story (Taylor & Francis, 2021), A Research Agenda for Knowledge Management and Analytics (Elgar Publishers, 2021), Online Learning Analytics (Taylor & Francis, 2022), Digital Transformation for the University of the Future (World Scientific, 2022), and Cryptocurrency Concepts, Technology, and Applications (Taylor & Francis, April 2023). He has lectured and consulted worldwide.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER @ Cosim Conference
Prof. Dr. Kuanchin Chen
Professor of Computer Information Systems
Director of the Center for Business Analytics, and John W. Snyder Fellow at Western Michigan University, USA.
Friday, November 24, 2023 @ 8.00 PM CET
KC Chen has more than twenty-five years of research, teaching, and consulting experience. His research interests include data analytics, social networking, privacy & security, online behavioral issues, AI and human computer interaction. Dr. Chen has published in many reputable academic journals, including Information Systems Journal, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Database Management, Internet Research, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Global Information Management, DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, Information processing & Management, and Tourism Management. He has been an editor, associate editor, and editorial member of several scholarly journals. He is also a recipient of several research and teaching awards, including awards given by the scholarly community, academic institutions, and the U.S. Fulbright program. He is frequently invited to give research talks at universities, government agencies and other institutions.
KEY NOTE SPEAKER @ Cosim Conference
Prof. Dr. Rania Lampou
Greek Ministry of Education, Directorate of Educational Technology and Innovation,
Greek Astronomy and Space Company, Greece
“Unleashing the Power of Al in Education”
Friday, November 24, 2023 at 10.00 AM CET
Rania Lampou is a Global Educator, STEM instructor, ICT teacher trainer, and international inspirational keynote speaker in Greece. She has a post-graduate degree (M.Ed.) in language teaching related to cognitive neurosciences and she is also a passionate researcher on cognitive neurosciences and neuroeducation. She is a PhD candidate in environmental and peace education at the Noble International University of Canada. She is a STEM instructor at the Greek Astronomy and Space Company (Annex of Salamis) and she is also working at the Greek Ministry of Education, at the Directorate of Educational Technology and Innovation where she writes STE(A)M projects for Greek schools.
She has been awarded many national and international prizes (over 100) and she is a “Global Teacher Award 2020” (AKS Awards) winner and a “Global Teacher Prize finalist 2019” (Varkey Foundation). Recently she has been selected as “Global Icon 2020” featured in “Passion Vista” Magazine, among the top 10 women entrepreneurs featured in “Fortune” and among the “100 most successful women in business” featured in an Amazon book by “Global Trade Chamber ”. She promotes STEM vision by introducing STEM in astronomy and physics projects and combines STEM with Language Teaching. She is the founder and international coordinator of many innovative international projects that focus on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals described in the 2030 Agenda. She is also an author of scientific books for kids.
Furthermore, she is a social activist, a global peace ambassador, senior advisor of United Nations Peace-Keepers Federal Council (UNPKFC).
KEYNOTE SPEAKER @ Cosim Conference
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ozbilgin
Brunel University, Brunel Business School
Binary People in Management
Mustafa F. Özbilgin is a Professor of Organisational Behaviour at Brunel Business School, London. He also holds two international positions: Co-Chaire Management et Diversité at Université Paris Dauphine and Visiting Professor of Management at Koç University in Istanbul. His research focuses on workplace equality, diversity and inclusion from comparative and relational perspectives. He has conducted field studies in the UK and internationally, and his work is empirically grounded. His research is supported by international and national grants from the ESRC, EPSRC, EU Horizon2020, CIPD, ACE, ACCA, and British Academy. His work focuses on changing policy and practice regarding workplace equality and diversity. He is an engaged scholar, driven by values of workplace democracy, equality for all, and humanisation of work.
He has authored and edited more than 20 books and published over 200 papers in academic journals such as the British Medical Journal, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Management Studies, British Journal of Management, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Human Relations, Gender Work and Organization, and Social Science and Medicine, among others.
He has conducted research, consultancy and training at a large number of organisations, including the House of Commons, Barclays Bank, The Bank West Australia, Google, Halifax, the CIPD, the National Health Service, the NHS Employers, L’Oreal, Tesco, the Probation Services, The UK Fire Service, the Economist Research Unit, the OECD, the WRVS, DTI, Rio Tinto, PwC, Linklaters and ACCA.
He served as the editor-in-chief of the European Management Review (EMR), the official journal of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), from 2014 to 2018 and as the editor-in-chief of the British Journal of Management, the official journal of the British Academy of Management, for four years from 2010 to 2014. He is currently serving on the editorial boards of over 20 journals internationally.
He currently holds the following editorial roles
Book Series Editor:
Equality Diversity and Inclusion: international perspectives (Emerald Press)
Associate editor:
Frontiers in Psychology
Frontiers in Sociology
Member of the Editorial Board:
Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE)
British Journal of Management
Journal of Management Studies
Equality Diversity and Inclusion: an International Journal (Emerald Press)
KEY NOTE SPEAKER @ Cosim Conference
Prof. Dr. Steve McCarty
Osaka Jogakuin University, Japan
Documenting a Research Grant Application Process between Japan and India
Sunday, November 26, 2023 at 9.00 AM CET
Steve McCarty was born in Boston and became a full Professor in Japan. He currently lectures for Osaka Jogakuin University and the Japanese government foreign aid agency JICA. At Kansai University from 2015-2020 he taught international ICT classes and held a unique Global Faculty Development position. Since 1998 he is the World Association for Online Education (WAOE) President. His CV currently lists 249 publications and 98 presentations (including 8 keynote addresses), with 566 citations recognized by Google Scholar. He publishes on e-learning, bilingualism, language teaching with technology, Japan, Asia, and the academic life. His research memoir is in the 2022 book A Passion for Japan. See CORE contributions below, and the Website Japanned.
Steve studied physics and philosophy at Northeastern University, then specialized in Japan for an M.A. degree from the University of Hawaii, with Journalism internships in the State House of Representatives.
Please see also