Seminar 2024

November 2024 and May 2025

Iive in Suderburg and Uelzen, Germany

Seminar on Contemporary Studies in Management (CoSiM)

Key topics

  • Future Directions for international Management Science and Business Practice
  • International Research for smart, sustainable, and socially responsible Cities
  • Rational and Intuitive Decision-Making at the Workplace
  • International Development by Companies from Uelzen

We cordially invite you to participate in our international CoSiM Seminar in Suderburg and Uelzen, Germany

November 21-25, 2024
May 2025 (date TBC)

The seminar will take place in the townhall of the City of Uelzen, the Vocational School Uelzen (BBS1), and the venue of the Institut für gemeinnützige Dienstleistungen gGmbH (non-profit organization) in Suderburg, Germany.

  • Nov. 21 - 22

    Presentations at Uelzen townhall

  • Nov. 23 - 24

    Travels to Hamburg and Bremen

  • Nov. 25

    Presentations at the Venue of Institut für gemeinnützige Dienstleistungen, Suderburg

  • Nov. 26 - 29

    Lecture Series on Sustainability at Vocational School (BBS1), Uelzen

  • Nov. 30 - Dec. 1

    Travels to Hamburg and Lübeck

  • Dec. 2

    Closing Session

Uelzen Townhall

CoSiM Institute in Suderburg

More information on Uelzen you can find here:

The target is to discuss and publish research and development on contemporary studies in management. In particular, we aim at research by universities, vocational schools, companies and organizations for provinces, cities and rural areas. You will also participate in a special seminar on the topic by key note speakers from science and business practice. Each participant receives a special knowledge and certificate on

  • Scientific paper presentation
  • Reports and research and development
  • Roundtable discussions
  • Educational seminar
  • Non-profit project

You and your organization will get great visibility and presence. All results will be published in

  • CoSiM Journal (ISSN, indexed, but not SCI, SSCI, Scopus, WoS)
  • Book publication (ISBN)

This seminar is a non-profit project to support the city of Uelzen and all rural areas worldwide through international communication and exchange. You will be part of an international team of researchers (CoSiM family) and will receive scientific support within this international network. If you need a co-author, just please let us know, we connect you.

Our local Collaborators

The quality of the seminar is assured by an international Editorial Team (see CoSiM Conference Editorial Team). All contributions will be double-blind reviewed by an international Review Team lead by Prof. Dr. Fatih Cetin from Baskent University, Ankara, Turkiye (see CoSiM Review Team).

The following international Key Note Speakers are expected to present November 21-25, 2024

  • Dr. Dave Marcial, Silliman University, Philippines
  • Dr. Fatih Cetin, Baskent University, Turkiye
  • Dr. Mohammad Daud Ali, University of Haripur, Pakistan
  • Dr. Daria Suprun, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • Yousseff El Archi, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco
  • Dr. Chirag Patel, Founder Director Research Culture Society,
    President International Scientific Research Organization, India
  • Michael Kindal, Expert on Smart City Traffic and Parking Concepts, Sweden (TBC)
  • Dr. Erik Capistrano, University of the Philippines (TBC)
  • Joanna Rosak-Szyrocka, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland (TBC)
  • Dr. Piotr Pietrzak and Dr. Anna Jasiulewicz, Warsaw University of Applied Sciences, Poland (TBC)
  • Dr. Simon Zalimben, UIC University, Paraguay (TBC)
  • Speakers from companies in Uelzen (TBC)

We will also provide presentations and company visits with local universities, vocational schools, companies, and organizations within the state of Lower Saxony, Germany.

Registration and Submission

If you want to participate in the upcoming CoSiM Seminars 2/2024, please send us an email to with all your details (University or company, address, email, phone, country, Orcid number and proposed title of your contribution). In case you need to apply for funding in your country or internationally, we gladly provide you with an invitation letter. We also help you with hotel reservations. There are two options: Hotel Stadt Hamburg (about 120 Euro per night) or Bürgerliches Brauhaus (50 Euro per night).

Participation fee is 300 Euro for universities and research institutes and 500 Euro for companies. This includes the review of your paper, the seminar November 21-25, 2024 or May 2025, three lunches, two gala dinner (Uelzen und Suderburg), sightseeing in Uelzen, Hamburg, Bremen, and Lübeck, certificates, publication in our CoSiM Journal, and book publication. All participants cover their own costs of travel, accommodation, travel insurance, and transfer to Uelzen.

The transfer to Uelzen is best from Hamburg airport. Take the S Bahn to main train station and then the “Metronom” local train to Uelzen (about 1 hour).

Overall extended Program

  • Nov. 19           Departure from home
  • Nov. 20           Arrival in Hamburg, Germany
  • Nov. 21           Seminar day 1 in Uelzen townhall
  • Nov. 22           Seminar day 2 in Uelzen townhall
                             Gala dinner in the evening
  • Nov. 23           Trip to Bremen
  • Nov. 24           Trip to Hamburg
  • Nov. 25           Seminar day 4 in Suderburg at Institute
  • Nov. 26           Lectures day 1
  • Nov. 27           Lectures day 2
  • Nov. 28           Lectures day 3
  • Nov. 29           Lectures day 4
  • Nov. 30           Trip to Lübeck
  • Dec. 1             Trip to Hamburg
  • Dec. 2             Closing Session,
  • Dec. 3             Departure from Hamburg / arrival at home

Early bird registration for CoSiM Seminar 1 / 2025

A similar CoSiM Seminar will take place in May 2025. If you like to register for this seminar and receive invitation letter for application of funding, please send us an email to with all your details (University or company, address, email, phone, country, Orcid number and proposed title of your contribution). In case you need to apply for funding in your country or internationally, we gladly provide you an invitation letter. There are two options: Hotel Stadt Hamburg (about 120 Euro per night) or Bürgerliches Brauhaus (50 Euro per night). Participation fee is 300 Euro for universities and research institutes and 500 Euro for companies. This includes the review of your paper, the seminar in May 2025, three lunches, a gala dinner, sightseeing in Uelzen, Hamburg, Bremen, and Lübeck, certificates, publication in our CoSiM Journal, and book publication. All participants cover their own costs of travel, accommodation, travel insurance, and transfer to Uelzen.

CoSiM Seminar July 1/2024

In July 2024, a first CoSiM Seminar took place in Berlin and Uelzen on Research Direction in Management Science. The participants presented the following papers

  • Dr. Fatih Cetin, Baskent University, Turkiye: Organizational Behavior
  • Dr. Joeffrey Calimag, Kyungsung University, Korea: Research Directions for Management Science from Korea
  • Dr. Daria Suprun, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine: Research Directions for Management Science in Educational Management
  • Joanna Rosak-Szyrocka, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland: Research Direction on management Science in Artifical Intelligence and Industry 5.0
  • Natsucko Uchida, Ferris University, Japan: Research Direction from Japan
  • Tuba Kizilkan, Turkish Ministry of Education: Pedagogies in Management Education


The special program included sightseeing in Berlin, Potsdam, Uelzen, Hamburg, and Lübeck. All participants were invited to the international Excellence Program of the Vocational School Uelzen by OStD Stefan Nowatschin.

Vocational School BBS1 Uelzen

Hundertwasser Train Station Uelzen

Venue in Berlin

Visiting Berlin, Potsdam, Hamburg, and Lübeck

Kindest regards and all the best

Prof. Dr. Markus A. Launer

Founder and Managing Director
Institut für gemeinnützige Dienstleistungen gGmbH